The One Unbreakable Rule Of Nude Photography

While recently looking through my archives, I was vividly reminded of the one unbreakable rule of taking nude photos . As soon as I saw this shot, I knew it would be a good idea to include it here. Not because there’s anything special about the picture itself, but to use it as a visual reminder to all of you who shoot nude images.

As I’m sure you’ve already noticed, Kitty looks very, very young. Though I can assure you that she was 18-years-old at the time of the shoot, she certainly doesn’t look like it. That’s why I went to great lengths to confirm her age before I even considered picking up a camera.

nude asian

When it comes to nude models, there’s only one type that you should absolutely never work with: Quite obviously, that’s the underage girl.

Never photograph anyone nude who is under the legal age. It’s impossible to stress this enough. Before you even consider setting up a shoot with a model, make sure she’s of legal age.

You’ll need to find out what the minimum age is for your particular location. This advice also applies to those of you reading this who live outside the United States. The legal age differs from state to state and country to country.

Photographing an underage girl is a mistake you never want to make. In fact, this is the single most important nude photography tip I can give you. As I’m sure you’re well aware, the legal ramifications can be extremely serious.

Can you think of any other unbreakable rules of nude photography? If so, leave a comment and let us know.

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